{% raw %}
new Ractive({
el: $('..'),
el: '#box',
template: '...', // required
// callbacks
init: function() {}, // on instantiate
complete: function() {}, // on finish animations
// objs
data: { ... },
partials: { ... }, // global: Ractive.partials
transitions: { ... }, // global: Ractive.transitions
components: { ... },
adaptors: [ ... ],
// options
magic: false
modifyArrays: true
twoway: true
noIntro: true // true = disable transition on initial render
lazy: false // false = use keyevents, true = use change/blur
append: false // false = overwrite element, true = append
debug: false
sanitize: false
view.add('count', 1) //=> promise
view.subtract('count', 1) //=> promise
view.toggle('shown') //=> promise
view.set('a', true)
view.set({ a: true })
view.reset({ a: true })
view.merge('list', [a,b,c])
view.nodes['hello'] // .find('#hello')
view.on('event', function() { ... })
view.off('event', fn)
view.insert('.node .path')
view.observe({ 'name': function() { ... } })
view.toHTML() //=> String
View = Ractive.extend({
new View()
See: https://github.com/RactiveJS/Ractive/issues/74
Widget = Ractive.extend({ ... })
ractive = new Ractive({
el: 'main',
template: '<widget foo="bar"/>',
components: {
widget: Widget
// Global partials
Ractive.partials.x = "<..>"
<button on-click='activate'>Activate!</button>
activate: function () { ... }
<button on-click='sort:name'>Sort by name</button>
view.on('sort', function (e, column) {
console.log('sorting by #{column}');
view.observe("name", function (name) {
console.log("Changed name to", name);
}, { init: false });
Hello, {{name}}
Body: {{{unescaped}}}
<!-- each -->
<li>{{.}}</li> <!-- same as 'this' -->
{{^user}}Not logged in{{/user}} <!-- if false -->
{{#user}}Welcome, sire{{/user}} <!-- if true -->
This transforms the list
attribute via a helper function called sort()
{{# sort(list, "name") :num }}
<li>{{num}} - {{name}}</li>
{{/ end. any text goes here }}
data: {
sort: function(array, column) { return array.whatever(); }
<div intro="fade">
<div intro="bump">
<div intro="bump:{duration:400}">
Ractive.transitions.bump = function(t, params) {
params = t.processParams( params, {
duration: 400,
color: t.isIntro ? 'rgb(0,255,0)' : 'rgb(255,0,0)'
if (t.isIntro) {
/* enter */
} else {
/* exit */
<span decorator="tooltip:hello there">Hover me</span>
decorators: {
tooltip: function (node, content) {
// setup code here
return {
teardown: function () {
// cleanup code here
<span decorator="tooltip:'a','b',2,'c'">Hover me</span>
tooltip: function (node, a, b, two, c) { ... }
myAdaptor = {
filter: function (object, keypath, ractive) {
// return `true` if a particular object is of the type we want to adapt
wrap: function (ractive, object, keypath, prefixer) {
// set up event bindings here
object.on('change', function () { ractive.set(prefixer({...})); });
// then return a wrapper:
return {
teardown: function () { .. },
// json representation
get: function () { return { a:2, b:3, c:4, ... }; },
// called on ractive.set
set: function (key, val) { },
// called on ractive.set on root (return false = die)
reset: function (data) { return false; }
new Ractive({
template: '{{area}}',
computed: {
area: function () { return this.get('width') * this.get('height'); }
area: '${width} * ${height}'
fullname: {
get: '${first} + " " + ${last}"
set: function (name) { ... }
{% endraw %}
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