Ui label drop in replacement supporting hashtags mentions and ur ls http written in swift git hub optonaut active label swift ui label drop in replacement supporting hashtags men
A handy class for i os to use ui label as a countdown timer or stopwatch just like in apple clock app git hub mineschan mz timer label a handy class for i os to use ui label as a countdown timer or
A drop in replacement for ui label that supports attributes data detectors links and more git hub ttt attributed label ttt attributed label a drop in replacement for ui label that supports attribu
A label view for displaying numbers which can transition or animate using a technique called number tweening or number morphing git hub me abhinav number morph view a label view for displaying n
Ui label subclass which additionally allows shadow blur inner shadow stroke text and fill gradient git hub tobihagemann th label ui label subclass which additionally allows shadow blur inner
A simple designable subclass on ui label with extra ib designable and blinking features git hub jogendra js label a simple designable subclass on ui label with extra ib designable and blinking feat
Animated mask label is a nice gradient animated label this is an easy way to add a shimmering effect to any view in your app it is useful as an unobtrusive loading indicator git hub jogendra
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