

HSBToRGB javascript Code Snippet in 2024


Last Updated: 24 July 2024

Converts a HSB color tuple to RGB format.

  • Use the HSB to RGB conversion formula to convert to the appropriate format.
  • The range of the input parameters is H: [0, 360], S: [0, 100], B: [0, 100].
  • The range of all output values is [0, 255].
const HSBToRGB = (h, s, b) => { s /= 100; b /= 100; const k = (n) => (n + h / 60) % 6; const f = (n) => b * (1 - s * Math.max(0, Math.min(k(n), 4 - k(n), 1))); return [255 * f(5), 255 * f(3), 255 * f(1)]; };
HSBToRGB(18, 81, 99); // [252.45, 109.31084999999996, 47.965499999999984]

javascript snippet similar to HSBToRGB For You in July 2024

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