

defer javascript Code Snippet in 2024


Last Updated: 15 October 2024

Defers invoking a function until the current call stack has cleared.

  • Use setTimeout() with a timeout of 1 ms to add a new event to the event queue and allow the rendering engine to complete its work.
  • Use the spread (...) operator to supply the function with an arbitrary number of arguments.
const defer = (fn, ...args) => setTimeout(fn, 1, ...args);
// Example A: defer(console.log, 'a'), console.log('b'); // logs 'b' then 'a' // Example B: document.querySelector('#someElement').innerHTML = 'Hello'; longRunningFunction(); // Browser will not update the HTML until this has finished defer(longRunningFunction); // Browser will update the HTML then run the function

javascript snippet similar to defer For You in October 2024

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