

unescapeHTML javascript Code Snippet in 2024


Last Updated: 23 July 2024

Unescapes escaped HTML characters.

  • Use String.prototype.replace() with a regexp that matches the characters that need to be unescaped.
  • Use the function's callback to replace each escaped character instance with its associated unescaped character using a dictionary (object).
const unescapeHTML = str => str.replace( /&amp;|&lt;|&gt;|&#39;|&quot;/g, tag => ({ '&amp;': '&', '&lt;': '<', '&gt;': '>', '&#39;': "'", '&quot;': '"' }[tag] || tag) );
unescapeHTML('&lt;a href=&quot;#&quot;&gt;Me &amp; you&lt;/a&gt;'); // '<a href="#">Me & you</a>'

javascript snippet similar to unescapeHTML For You in July 2024

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