

arrayToCSV javascript Code Snippet in 2024


Last Updated: 23 July 2024

Converts a 2D array to a comma-separated values (CSV) string.

  • Use and Array.prototype.join(delimiter) to combine individual 1D arrays (rows) into strings.
  • Use Array.prototype.join('\n') to combine all rows into a CSV string, separating each row with a newline.
  • Omit the second argument, delimiter, to use a default delimiter of ,.
const arrayToCSV = (arr, delimiter = ',') => arr .map(v => => (isNaN(x) ? `"${x.replace(/"/g, '""')}"` : x)).join(delimiter) ) .join('\n');
arrayToCSV([['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]); // '"a","b"\n"c","d"' arrayToCSV([['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']], ';'); // '"a";"b"\n"c";"d"' arrayToCSV([['a', '"b" great'], ['c', 3.1415]]); // '"a","""b"" great"\n"c",3.1415'

javascript snippet similar to arrayToCSV For You in July 2024

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